The Swarm 1.0 is an action game developed by Reflexive Entertainment, and published by WildTanget. This game takes place in outer space, and its objective is for you to harvest all the Endron Zymithium Trisystaline or EZT (look like diamonds) that you can find. In order to travel the galaxies you have your own personal assault craft called the T-77, the faster airship in cyber-space, which is able to hold cargo, and perfect to keep the EZTs save.
The airship has two cursors (blue and red). The blue one guides to where the EZT are, and shows you how to find your way across universe, so you can collect as many EZT as you possibly can in the least amount of time, You have no control whatsoever over this cursor, its only purpose is to show you your way around, and help you move faster, but make sure you do not go too fast otherwise you might hit a comet or an asteroid and your ship will crash and you will loose your life and everything you have collected up until that point. The red cursor is the direction you are taking, you can switch direction of the cursor at any time you feel like doing it. This cursor also helps your weapons to aim a certain object and allow you to fire them up. In order to ship your T-77 you can either use your mouse or a joystick, by moving them in the direction you want to fly, and in order to move you will have to press the space bar, remember the further you put your red cursor the faster the T-77 will go, so make sure you play with it at all times. This application also allows you with small radar in the lower left corner of your screen that allows you to see what is around, and what to do. In case of an enemy approach a red bar will appear on the side of the ship closer to the attack, as a form of advice and protection.
This program comes in four modes Easy, Normal, Hard, and Insane. You can use your super-weapons such as mine guns, cannons or other on any mode. You can also edit your game’s configuration by turning on and off features like showing radar, weapons bar, mouse cursor, nearest target, or auto switch weapons. There are over one hundred levels and many weapons. It has an excellent Soundtrack as well as video and sound quality. It provides you with a nice looking interface, and it is a very good choice for people who like action games or galaxy challenges.
Operating System requirements:
Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista.